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Our Courses

The Cart Shed offers the opportunity to find friendships, a sense of belonging and a place of calm in a supportive and caring environment. There are no walls, badged health professionals or waiting rooms...  just the peace of the woodland.

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All of our courses take place outside in the woods and include green woodworking, willow work or horticulture.  They are offered from Monday to Thursday and are run by our Cart Shed team including tutors, occupational therapists and mental health practitioners. Sessions run from 10am until 3pm on Mondays and Wednesdays and between  10am and 2pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Green Woodworking


Green woodworking is a traditional craft that uses unseasoned wood to produce beautiful and interesting items. We use pole lathes and shave horses along with traditional hand tools including carving axes, froes, draw knives, whittling knives, crook knives and gouge chisels. Projects can include making spoons, butter knives, bowls, cleft paling fences, stools, dibbers, candle sticks and mindful sculptures.


Willow Working


We have our own willow bed where participants help with the harvest. Fresh willow can be used to create live willow structures such as arches, screens or sculptures. A wide range of simple woven willow projects such as trivets, decorations, and dragonflies can be a good introduction while those with more experience might wish to make baskets.

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Our horticulture courses give you the opportunity to learn a range of horticultural skills including planting seeds, pricking out and bringing on plants to fruition. We also look at:

  • Pruning – understand why, when and how to prune a range of plant types including shrubs and trees.

  • Plant Propagation – gain skills in propagation and raising plants from seed and cuttings.

  • Weed control – identify and control common weeds using a range of methods appropriate to the weed types.

  • Pest Control – identify common pests and the damage that they can cause. Understand the available controls for these and how to use them safely.

  • Understanding soils – test your soil. Understand different soil types and growing media and their effect on plant growth.

  • Learn about home composting - the most environmentally friendly way to deal with uncooked kitchen waste. 



How do I choose which course? 


You can either apply for a specific course or you can simply make an application and we will match you to a course that suits you best. We call application forms referral forms and links to these can be found on our home page. 


If you would like us to match you to a course you can detail what your interests are and what activities you think you would enjoy in the section of the form call called 'Reasons for Wishing to Attend The Cart Shed' on the self-referral form, and or Relevant Background Information on the agency referral form. 


If you would like to join a particular course (you can find these on the drop-down menu under Courses) please complete a referral form and along with relevant background information also state that you are interested in the relevant course. 


Once we have received your referral, one of our team will contact you or your referrer to discuss next steps such as inviting you for a taster day.


Does it matter how old I am?  


Our Young Cart Shed courses are for those who are between 14 and 25 years old, all of our other courses are for anyone who is over 19 years old. 


During the school holidays, we run fun activity clubs for children called Escape to the Woods! Find out more here.


How much does a course cost? 

Most of our sessions are fully funded or you can opt to pay what you can. 


To get the most out of your time with us it is important you attend regularly.


  • If you don’t feel well enough to attend consistently, we will ask you to go back on to our waiting list until you feel stronger.


  • Where possible we ask that you please arrange medical or other appointments on days you are not due to be at The Cart Shed.


  • If you are unable to attend 2 sessions in a 12-week period, we will need to suspend your sessions and return you to the waiting list. This is because the funding we receive requires a minimum attendance or we don’t receive it.


Requests for places at The Cart Shed are high, so sessions that are booked but then not used mean others miss out on the chance to come to us.


Free transport is available on request (where possible) from pick-up points in Hereford, Kington and Leominster. The 461 bus route also has a request stop near our site. Mask wearing will no longer be a requirement on our buses from Wednesday 19th April, but to minimise infection, windows will be kept open to maintain air flow. Masks will be available for those who wish to continue using them.


When you start at The Cart Shed you will need to complete a number of forms. In order for us to continue to receive our funding we need to give participant feedback to our funders. Therefore you will need to complete The Cart Shed’s wellbeing assessments when you first join and then complete mid-point assessments as appropriate. Some funders also require documentary evidence that prove you meet the qualifying criteria. We appreciate this can be onerous and can feel daunting – but don’t worry, we can help you with this.

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